Pre-conference masterclass - Tuesday, 10 September

View day one agenda  view day two agenda


The pre-conference masterclass provides attendees with morning and afternoon tea breaks and a 1-hour lunch break allowing for extra networking opportunities and in-depth learning.

The masterclass starts at 09:00 and finishes at 17:00.

Masterclass A: Transforming leadership to transform teams

As Australia embarks on embracing a new era of energy, organisations are asking ‘How should leaders navigate this moment? What does leadership look like in the future?’

Transforming and guiding a team or organisation throughout this transition will require a transformative approach to leadership., In this interactive, practical workshop, you’ll uncover your leadership identity, unlock forward-thinking ideas, and learn how to unleash the full potential within yourself, your team & your organisation.

In this interactive and practical workshop, you will develop critically important leadership skills while you:

  • Identify your personal leadership brand and style
  • Reflect on your current leadership strengths and opportunities
  • Explore the difference between managing a team and leading them
  • Learn how to be adaptable, assertive and approachable
  • Understand how to positively influence and bring people with you on a journey
  • Understand how to align people behind a clear, common purpose
  • Learn a communication framework - complete with tools & resources - to increase connection, collaboration, productivity and success for you and your team
  • Workshop ways to build your leadership presence, develop your influence, and maximise your impact as a leader

This masterclass is for current, emerging & future leaders in energy and renewables who are ready and willing to invest in their leadership skills to drive exceptional outcomes for themselves, their team, and for their organisation.


Catherine Hollyman
Founder & Leadership Communication Strategist & Coach
Behind the Scenes Communications